The Trouble with Normal

An American comedy series that originally aired on ABC in October 2000. The show starred David Krumholtz, Brad Raider, Jon Cryer, Larry Joe Campbell, and Paget Brewster. The show was described as "the misadventures of four paranoid young men whose fear of urban conspiracy leads them to seek counseling in a therapy group run by therapist Claire Garletti." Recurring members of the therapy group were played by Jim Beaver and Patricia Belcher.

Genre: Comedy,


Creator: Victor Fresco,

Country: United States of America,

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: N/A minutes

Release: 2000-10-06

Rating: 6.5

Season 1 - The Trouble with Normal
Stansfield becomes Claire's mailman which makes her uncomfortable. She gets him transferred which leads him to encounter a teen bully. Zack and Stansfield deal with the bully while Max bonds with an old lady that they think is responsible for the transfer. Claire's guilt forces her to come clean which makes Stansfield respect her more.
Zack gets a temp job at Bob's work and abuses his power to order office supplies. Bob goes along so that he can impress his coworker Kristen. Max continues his friendship with the elderly woman he met earlier. Stansfield tries to befriend a former TV magician who keeps trying to take advantage of him.