
Wilfred is an Australian comedy television series directed by Tony Rogers, produced by Jenny Livingston and starring Jason Gann, Adam Zwar and Cindy Waddingham. Created by Zwar, Gann and Rogers, it was based on their award-winning 2002 short film and later adapted to a series. The story follows the lives of the eponymous dog Wilfred, his owner Sarah, and her boyfriend Adam, who sees Wilfred as a man in a dog suit. Two seasons were broadcast on SBS One – the first in 2007 and the second in 2010. The series won three AFI Awards and was nominated for a Logie. Independent Film Channel acquired the international broadcast rights to the original two seasons of Wilfred in 2010. A U.S. version premiered on the cable channel FX on 23 June 2011.

Genre: Comedy,


Creator: Jason Gann, Adam Zwar,

Country: Australia,

Type: tv

Season: 2

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 2007-03-19

Rating: 7

Season 1 - Wilfred
Adam cannot believe his luck, beginning a relationship with the beautiful Sarah after meeting her at a concert. Wilfred, Sarah’s dog is determined to make Adam’s life as difficult as possible when he moves into the household, attempting to put an end to their relationship and drive him out of the house. After weeks of torment Adam questions his sanity as the ongoing psychological war with Wilfred continues.
Sarah’s relationship with Adam is progressing smoothly. She tells Adam that it is important to her that he and Wilfred get on well, explaining that she and Wilfred are a package deal. To prove to Sarah that he loves Wilfred, Adam decides to spend some quality time with him.
Sarah demands a ceasefire between Wilfred and Adam realising that the tension between the pair is rising. Adam apologises to Wilfred, but he threatens to tear out Adam's throat.
Adam and Sarah plan to spend some quality time at the beach together while Wilfred plays in the shallows.
Adam and Sarah seeks help from TV vet Jack Underwood. He arrives after receiving their letter and sets about to adjust Wilfred's behaviour problems.
Sarah sees an old friend on TV. Adam and Wilfred crack jokes about the true nature of this old friend. Their jokes come back to haunt them when he turns up on their doorstep to visit Sarah.
Adam takes Wilfred to play in the park. Seeing that Wilfred is playing happily, he decides to go for a walk. During Adam's absence, Wilfred is captured by a pair of dog catchers.
Adam is shocked when Sarah decides to break up with him. He begs her to reconsider and to call him if she should change her mind.

Season 2 - Wilfred
Adam decides that the only way to stop he and Sarah fighting so much is to ask her to marry him – but what has Wilfred done with the engagement ring?
Sarah takes Adam home to Nambour to meet her family and get nude, while Wilfred rekindles hostilities with his old man.
Arthur continues to bully Wilfred until they partake in a particularly vicious game of force ‘em backs from which only one dog will emerge alive.
Sarah goes away for her last piece of pre-wedding freedom and Wilfred takes the opportunity to bully Adam and eat-up a storm.
A holiday to the snow takes a bad turn when Wilfred, Adam and Sarah meet sexed-up Swedish couple Lars, Hilda and their dog Annika. Wilfred suffers performance anxiety.
Wilfred is romancing Caddy, one of the local dogs, while Adam and Sarah receive a visit from Adam’s extraordinarily good looking and clever brother, Spencer, with expected consequences.
Sarah’s pissed off that Adam still doesn’t have a job as she doesn’t want to marry an unemployed guy, so Wilfred decides he wants to be a dog star and gets Adam to manage him.
Adam needs to find some money for the rings as Sarah is adamant – no rings, no wedding. Wilfred reckons he’ll be able to earn the money by taking part in an illegal dogfight on the mean streets of Richmond.