
The story follows three families that each lived in Lightfields farmhouse at different time periods (1944, 1975 and 2012) but who are linked by a spine-chilling presence: the ghost of a teenage girl who died in mysterious and tragic circumstances.

Genre: Drama,


Creator: David Schulner,

Country: United Kingdom,

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 44 minutes

Release: 2013-02-27

Rating: 7.2

Season 1 - Lightfields
A tragic death in 1944 sends ghostly ripples down the years ensuring that truth will eventually surface, whatever the cost.
In 1944, Eve refuses to believe Lucy's death was an accident. In 1975, portions of Vivien's memory return. In 2012, Pip returns.
In 1944, Harry makes a discovery that makes him see Eve in a shocking new light. In 1975, Vivien receives unsettling messages in the night. In 2012, Pip is increasingly concerned that Lucy is going to harm Luke.
In 1944, Albert gives in to grief. In 1975, Vivien frets over Lucy's death. In 2012, Pip's secret is revealed.
In 1944, the family prepare to leave Lightfields for good. In 1975 and 2012, the truth is finally told.