
"Unnovations" was a TV series that ran on the now defunct satellite/cable channel Play UK in 2001. The series came from the makers of TVGoHome, Zeppotron. Since the demise of Play UK in 2002, the series has never been repeated. It sharply parodied the world of shopping TV in its ten episodes, including demonstrations of hilarious and off the wall products. An example is the Snooze-a-nator, a device which gave you 8 hours sleep in 15 seconds; the Mortgage Vest which was just a plain vest which would take as long as a real mortgage to pay off so that customers could have all the fun of owing a real mortgage, and the Alibizer which was a book the size of a telephone directory which included alibis for every possible situation Regular features in each show were ⁕Buyer Beware - A dangerous item from a rival shopping channel was slandered as was the rival channel. ⁕Shopper Of The Month - A different dysfunctional viewer is awarded the shopper of the month trophy ⁕readers letter - in every episode the presenter reads letters. ⁕Satisfied Customer - testimonials from supposed happy customers of Unnovations who never actually mention the names of the products they've bought. ⁕The Celebrity Hour - A relatively unfamous celebrity announces a different useless or insignificant product that he will be hawking.

Genre: Comedy,




Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes


Rating: 4

Season 1 - Unnovations
This week's featured item is 'World of Me', a hat with a photo of your face dangling from it to remind your loved ones of you for as long as they wear it.
This week's featured item is 'The Snooze-a-nator', a stun gun which knocks users unconscious for 15 seconds, giving the effect of eight hours' normal sleep. However, the side-effect of overuse is that it can turn users a bit racist.
Do you want to eat like the landed gentry? Then try a tin of 'Fox Chunks in Paupers' Tears'. Fancy a holiday with a difference? Try 'Dictate-a-Break' and become the tyrant of a banana republic for a fortnight.
This week's featured product is 'Lest-We-Forgetti' - swastika shaped pasta shapes to ensure that the Nazi occupation and the penalty shoot-out from Euro 96 are never far from one's thoughts.
This week's featured product is 'Chunky Chunky Rope' - lengths of chunky fat rope for men to carry around and emphasise their heterosexuality.
This week's featured product is 'A Piece of Nixon' - an actual portion of the ex-president, sliced off his body and presented in a unique Tupperware presentation holder
This week's featured item is 'My Partner The Jar' - a jar containing a pickled rabbit's foetus which makes the ideal companion for those lonely people who never get invited to dinner parties.
This week's featured item is 'Babystasis', a see-through plastic backpack aimed at teenage mums, which allows you to place your baby in suspended animation until you are old enough to cope with it.
This week's featured item is 'My First Screwdriver Fight', the kit that every child should own.
This week's featured item is 'Sherlock Golden Robot', a robot you can send around to the house of a neighbour you suspect of committing a crime to confront them.