The Singing Bee

The Singing Bee is a karaoke game show that originally aired on NBC and now airs on CMT. Combining karaoke singing with a spelling bee-style competition, this show features contestants trying to remember the lyrics to popular songs. Originally slated to begin with a six episode series during the fall of 2007, it launched early in reaction to FOX's competing Don't Forget the Lyrics!.

Genre: Reality,




Type: tv

Season: 4

Episode: N/A

Duration: 60 minutes

Release: 2007-07-10

Rating: 9

Season 1 - The Singing Bee
The series premiere of The Singing Bee, hosted by Joey Fatone. Six contestants are randomly chosen from the audience by correctly singing the lyrics to "I'm So Excited" by the Pointer Sisters.
Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. Six contestants were chosen at random by correctly singing the words to "Celebration" by Kool & The Gang.
Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. Six contestants were chosen at random by correctly singing the words to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper
Its the first theme night show of the series. Welcome to the 80s. Contestants have to sing hit songs from the 80s correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. The six contestants were chosen at random by correctly singing the words to "Footloose" by Kenny Loggins
It's Girl Power night and contestants have to sing hit songs that are sung by women or about women correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. In this special one hour episode, twelve contestants were chosen at random by correctly singing the words to "I'm Every Woman" by Whitney Houston and "Respect" by Aretha Franklin
Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. Six contestants were chosen at random by correctly singing the words to "Allstar" by Smashmouth
Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. Six contestants were chosen at random by correctly singing the words to "Working For The Weekend" by Loverboy
Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. Hour long special to find the Singing Bee Season champion,

Season 2 - The Singing Bee
Season 2 begins with a one-hit-wonder theme and '80s pop star Toni Basil.
Contestants are challenged to complete lyrics to John Lennon and Paul McCartney songs.
Musical guest Village People kick off the show and bring down the house with one of their classics in a 70's themed episode.
Thrills and chills abound in a Halloween themed episode as Ray Parker Jr. performs one of his classics.
Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. Special guest star Deborah Harry, otherwise known as "Blondie" performs. The three contestants were chosen at random by correctly singing the words to "One Way Or Another" by Deborah Harry
Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time. The special guest star is Little Richard
This one hour long special themed episode is all about television theme songs. There are surprise guests in store. Contestants have to sing hit songs correctly by singing the correct lyrics at the correct time

Season 3 - The Singing Bee

Season 4 - The Singing Bee