The Rehersal

American docu-comedy television series created, written, directed by and starring Nathan Fielder. The Rehearsal features a character played by Nathan Fielder who helps ordinary people rehearse upcoming difficult conversations or life events through the use of sets and actors hired to recreate real situations. The situations can be trivial, like confessing to a lie about educational history, or more complex, like raising a child. Fielder commissions extravagant sets with every detail recreated, and hires actors to inhabit these sets and practice different dialogue trees with his clients dozens of times to try to prepare them for every variable. Information used to train the actors and build the sets is often collected without the subjects' knowledge (this aspect, however, is often played with a comedic effect).





Type: tv

Season: 2

Episode: N/A

Duration: N/A minutes

Release: 2022-07-15

Rating: 9

Season 1 - The Rehersal
Nathan Fielder helps a Brooklyn-based trivia aficionado come clean to his teammate about a long-held lie.
Nathan allows an Oregon woman to prepare for motherhood by simulating the experience of raising a child from zero to eighteen.
While Angela continues to raise her "son," Nathan goes to new lengths to help a man prepare for a difficult conversation.
Comedian Nathan Fielder travels to Los Angeles to train actors for his show.
After a visit from his parents, Nathan struggles to stick up for his values.
Nathan Fielder continues to navigate an uncertain world by giving everyday people the opportunity to rehearse for their own lives.

Season 2 - The Rehersal