When Jamia Roy Sengupta fails to bring the good news stories for her channel, she brings in news-veteran-tuned foodie Pramod Dua to create the greatest 'Breaking News' story of all time.
Cricket is not just a sport, it’s a religion! And IIPL is the biggest festival of this religion. What happens when a rich woman decides to buy an IIPL team just to show off? Will she be able to build a well-groomed 'instagramable' team? Will cricket survive the game of money? Will there be any jokes about Sachin?
What goes behind the making of a period movie that’s based in a different era?
Is it a blend of great cinematography, locations, sets, and direction? Or is it all about coupling the most popular pair in Bollywood and throwing in a splash of controversy in the mix?
Join TVF along with Sanjay Ram Leela Mastani as we unearth the making of Period Films.