Every face contains a million secrets. And whether we like it or not, the face reveals our feelings and what’s really going on deep down inside.
Face to Face is about how the face communicates without saying a word; it’s about expressions, disguise and the mysterious art of face-reading.
In a world of six billion other
faces, your face is unique. It reveals
your personality, your genetic and
cultural identity and it can be read like
a book. Family resemblances, facial
recognition and the purpose of the
face and its features are all part of a
story that begins in the oceans five
hundred million years ago.We
conclude with the multi-racial face of
the future and the pioneering work of
surgeons in Kentucky who are
preparing for the world’s first facial
What is beauty? Is it just a matter of
personal taste? Apparently not; we
discover that the same things attract
lovers all round the world.A pretty
face is a fertile face and ugliness
suggests poor health.Big eyes, smooth
skin and symmetrical features will win
you fans everywhere.They’re also the
ticket to a better job, more money,
and better sex!
Famous faces are everywhere.They
stare out at us from billboards,
magazines, and movie screens, beaming
out messages.These faces sell sex,
politics, glamour and power. Diana,
Jackie O, Marilyn Monroe, their faces
are sometimes more familiar to us
than those of our nearest and dearest.
Fame and infamy tells the story of the
face as icon,from Egyptian mummies
to Hollywood stars.