The Fabulous Life of...

The Fabulous Life Of... is a VH1 television series detailing the places, things, and services various celebrities enjoy. It first aired in 2003, with a special about Britney Spears. The show is tightly based on the television show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. The show is one of VH1's most successful, and is constantly releasing new episodes. Though most episodes are about specific people, some are about categories of people. The show is narrated by Christopher Flockton. The show has appearances by celebrities, columnists and experts, which continue the show's narration. In 2005, The Fabulous Life of the Women of Desperate Housewives was broadcast due to the huge success of ABC's Desperate Housewives.

Genre: Documentary,




Type: tv

Season: 5

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 2003-05-01

Rating: 6

Season 1 - The Fabulous Life of...
The Fabulous Life of Britney Spears shows us the story of the never-ending money bag of Britney Spears. The word cost seems like it has never crossed her mind. When you go to a hair salon, is your hair cut with $3,000 scissors imported from Japan? I know mine aren't. At just twenty-one years old, Britney already has a movie career, corporate sponsorship by very powerful companies, and a private charity foundation of her own that donates millions.
Time to take a ride into the spending habits of 2004's hip hop stars. See things like Russell Simmons' money packed career. P. Diddy's all night parties to Missy Elliott's bling to Jay-Z's never ending VIP treatment, you'll see what these hip hop stars do outside of the recording studio. The Fabulous Life of Hip-Hop Superstars includes interviews and amazing footage to give a rare glimpse in the amazing life of your favorite rappers.
Buckle up and get ready to check out the fabulous life styles of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. It's not a bumpy ride, but an expensive one. With four mansions that have a total value of over $20,000,000, this hot couple is familiar with the green. Did you have a $1,000,000 wedding? Brad and Jen did. They had everything you could dream of at a wedding, including security that scanned everyone's fingerprints at the door. The Fabulous Life of Brad and Jen has exclusive interviews and photos that give you a glimpse at the life this hot couple lives. Did you know Jennifer Aniston made $130,000 on friends? Brad Pitt brought in $2,000,000 per film. And that money adds up
Jennifer Lopez sure lives the fabulous life. Some things that she buys: - $1,000-a-bottle face cream - $5,000-a-bottle champagne collection - 450-thread-count cotton sheets - $15,000 haircut - $4,000 hotel room - her collection of beauticians, majordomos, yoga teachers, - makeup artists and more...
Ever wonder what pop stars like Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce and Pink spend all their money on? The Fabulous Life of Hot Young Popstars will introduce you to their personal trainers, bring you to the endless parties and give you a tour through their million dollar homes.
Time to journey into the life of the most envied man in the world: Hugh Hefner. This man gets only the finest treatment in his Playboy mansion. He's got his own physicians, butlers, chefs, & more. Hugh parties up with his Playboy bunnies at night in the finest clubs in LA, Vegas, and New York. Get ready for to take a ride into the life of the $300 million man, Hugh Hefner, in The Fabulous Life of Hugh Hefner.
The Hilton Sisters -- which do you like more? Paris or Nicky? Hmmm.. well that's not important. Anyway, get ready to jump onboard to get inside The Fabulous Life of The Hilton Sisters. At just 19 and 22 years old, they already own the multi-million dollar Hilton Hotel fortune. These girls just don't live The Simple Life, they live the fabulous life.
Get ready to jump into the life of
Anyone remember Posh from the Spice Girls? I know, I know, you might have to think back. But this episode is all about her life with hubby David Beckham. Time to see their $4,000,000 home out in Britian, and join the ride for their $800,000 wedding. Money is no factor for this couple, with their total net worth totaling to about $100 million.
P.Diddy... a fashion designer? Get out of here! Believe it or not, it's true. Along with being a rapper, P.Diddy has had his fair share of careers. He's been a producer, CEO for a record label, actor, fashion designer, restaurateur, and how we all know -- a rapper. Join in and learn all about P.Diddly's multi-media empire, mansions, his favorite restaurants, hotels, and the very special VIP treatment he recieves. And someone like P.Diddly needs lots of VIP treatment, don't they?
""The Fabulous Life of: The Osbournes"" will reveal the spooky spending habits of television's most bizarre family. From the planning of their star-studded vow renewal ceremony, to the lavish surroundings of their amazing residences, ""The Fabulous Life of: The Osbournes"" takes you on a first class joy ride of terrifyingly extravagant living. Being fabulous has never been so scary. Immediately following at 11:30 p.m. is the premiere of ""American Vampires,"" which unmasks bankers, lawyers and teachers -- who by night have ""horrifying,"" jobs and hobbies like exploring dank underground tunnels and caves to conducting secret kidnappings for clients.
Lil' Kim... a pint-sized rapper, with a not-so-pint size amount of money. In this episode, you'll explore all the fabulous things Lil' Kim has, like her collection of cars, furs, diamond jewelry, and her handful of VIP treatments.
Ba da ba ba ba, I'm lovin' it. And so is A-list celebrity Justin Timberlake. This is a guy who sure knows how to get around -- from Britney to Cameron, he proves the ladies love him. Former N*Sync star, and now going all out on his solo career, Justin has made $46,000, and isn't done yet. From 1,000 bottles of Cristal parties costing over $400,000, to his $100 bills in his suitcase for lap dances, Justin knows how to have a good time. So sit back, relax, and get ready for The Fabulous Life of Justin Timberlake.
Get ready for a journey into the world of Prince William and Prince Harry. From their expensive private education to the clubs and restaurants they love to go to, these guys aren't shy to the VIP treatment. Get ready for a look at what it's like to be a prince in the 21st century, as you learn all about The Fabulous Life of Princes William & Harry.
Vegas is all about money, and money it gets. Las Vegas is full of superstars that aren't afraid of spending money on things. Ben Affleck will even gamble as much as $800,000 at one sitting on a game. But, that's like pocket change for him, isn't it? One of the highlights of Las Vegas is Wayne Newton's 52-acre estate, known as ""The Casa de Shenedoah"", has 80 arabian horses, ducks, and peacocks. Many other celebrities come here, so join in and find out who as you check out The Fabulous Life of Las Vegas Superstars.
When you think of country music, you might think of a life out on the farm milking cows with a toothpick in your mouth and tipping your hat to a lady saying ""Howdy ma'am."" But of course, that's not what it's all about. At least, that's not what it's about for the country music superstars like Shania Twain, Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks, and more. You can check out Shania's 46-room home on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. See her house and learn about all the things other country stars do as you take a look into The Fabulous Life of Country Superstars.
Get ready to learn all about this genie in a bottle - Christina Aguilera. Not only does she own a million dollar home, but she knows all about spending money on clothes, (though it doesn't seem like she spends too much on them, does she?), private vacations, and more, as you learn all about one of the biggest pop stars in The Fabulous Life of Christina Aguilera.
Swish, swoop, ka-ching. Get ready to take a dunk into the lives of Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, and more. Learn about their multi-media empires, careers as rappers, designers, restaurateurs and actors, and all of the fun stuff that comes with their success as basketball stars. Grab a ball and make a shot because it's time for The Fabulous Life of Hoop Superstars.
When you're a top-notch celebrity who makes millions, you can land yourself on this episode: The Fabulous Life of Celebrity Super Spenders 2003. Get ready to see everything from stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld's 60 Porsches, Microsoft founder Bill Gate's $100,000,000 home, the budget behind the cancelled J'Lo & Ben wedding, the Olsen Twins multi-million dollar empire, and more.
Charlie Angel Cameron Diaz sure lives the fabulous life. When she's in town, everyone knows, and she gets nothing less than VIP treatment. Spending $4800 a day at a oceanfront hotel at Waikiki beach with her man Justin Timberlake, to her extreme shopping sprees and all-night Nobu parties, The Fabulous Life of Cameron Diaz is quite a nice one.
You're fired. Apprentice star Donald Trump is not shy to the fabulous life. Donald owns everything from a 58-room resort in Palm Beach, loads of casinos, offices, hotels, and more. This is a man who can tell anyone that they're fired, and they can just walk out without a peep.
They have loads of stylists, trainers, and assistants to keep them looking terrific. Designers beg them to wear their clothing, the best seat at the best restaurants in town are reserved for them. The most amazing clubs are their playgrounds and the parties they attend are out of this world. Hollywood's A-list always know what the hot new trend is. From the spa's that Kirsten Dunst and Vin Diesel visit, to the stylist that tresses out Nicole Kidman and Kate Hudson, it's time for Fabulous Life of Hollywood Super Spenders.

Season 2 - The Fabulous Life of...
A part of every shallow man's fantasy, former Playboy Bunny lives quite a good life. While being a mommy, Pamela is one of the most powerful celebrities in the world. For Pamela, a vacation is staying at the five star Sagamore Hotel or at the Las Ventanas in Cabo San Lucas where she gets a spa treatment, and she gets to bring her dogs. Being the generous woman she is, she donates money to PETA and other charities. Jump in and get ready for The Fabulous Life of Pamela Anderson.
Misst Elliot is a woman that you don't want to mess with. Extreme album sales, tour receipts, and celebrity endorsements has put her at the very top of today's young celebrities. From her late nights of writing songs in her bedroom, losing 71 pounds thanks to her trainer, you'll get to experience The Fabulous Life of Missy Elliot.
When Friends premiered in 1994, nobody expected this special cast to become multi-millionaires. They were all a bunch of no-name actors/actresses who were just looking for a place to start. Who knew the show would last for 10 years? From group pedicures and spa trips, to unbelievable dinner parties and extraordinary vacations, these friends share the very best of everything at work, and at play. Get ready to be there for them in The Fabulous Life of The Cast of Friends.
Welcome to the world of the man behind the smash-hit and controversial movie The Passion of the Christ. Mel makes $25 million a movie. That's not too bad for a couple months of work, you know? Mel also owns his own production company, Icon. Mel has starred in tons of great films, like Braveheart and The Patriot. This is a man who us and the camera have come to know and love.
Starting off as the adorable Michelle on the ABC hit Full House the Olsen Twins have been in front of the camera for quite a while. Full House launched their career, leading to a load of direct-to-video movies, TV shows, and their big-screen movie New York Minute. With a $400,000,000 clothing line, $500,000,000 net worth for their movies/TV shows, these girls only live the luxorius life. We watched Mary-Kate shrink before our eyes, as she eventually entered herself into a clinic for her ""health-related issue"", or ""anorexia"", she's gained back some of that lost weight, and is recovering. Get ready for The Fabulous Life of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
Ms. Lara Croft herself, Angelina Jolie can get anything she wants, like a $10 million diamond Oscar necklace, a treasure chest she owns protected by her bodyguards, and things for her son Maddox. Who thinks Maddox gets just about everything he wants? Spoiled! Making $19,000,000 in the Lara Croft series, she's not shy to money. With Colin Ferell by her side, nothing can stop her. So fight off the bad guys and find a seat, and get ready for The Fabulous Life of Angelina Jolie.
Hey ya! It's a fabulous life and Outkast has lots of money to go along with it. Their albums Speakerboxxx and The Love Below selling 7 million albums and counting, a clothing line, several real estate investments these boys are raking in the multi-millions and changing the face of hip-hop altogether. Grab a seat -- it's time for The Fabulous Life of OutKast
We've all come to love Simon Cowell's tough love on American Idol. But who knew about his multi-million dollar homes? Simon makes sure everything he owns is absolutely perfect. Simon runs his own record label in Britian that gave him $60,000,000. Grab the mic and get ready for The Fabulous Life of Simon Cowell.
Yeah! The record breaking Usher is breaking sales records on the billboard charts. His latest CD, titled Confessions, sold 1.1 million, yes..million, in it's first week. Through his career he's sold over 11 million CDs. Bump that decimal over! Usher has proved to America he can dance, sing, and party hardy. At the $3,800/night Beverly Hills L'Hermitage, he is pampered by staff that know how treat their elite guests. Get on board, it's time for The Fabulous Life of Usher.
If you haven't heard of Oprah or haven't seen her show at least once, you must have been living in a box for quite awhile. Oprah has everything she needs. 1.1 billion dollars, her own TV channel, her own magazine, her own show. What else does she need? How about 39 Emmys and a Grammy for her role in The Color Purple? Along with all that, Oprah has herself a $50,000,000 mansion. Get ready -- it's time for The Fabulous Life of Oprah.
For Hollywood's A-list, the summer isn't just a season, it's a lifestyle. George Clooney takes 3 months off and relocates to Lake Como. Elton John retreats to his $8 million dollar vacation home on the French Riviera, Nelly hits the wild clubs of Ibiza, and Gwyneth Paltrow catches rays on Valentino's multi-million dollar yacht off of Spain. Jerry Seinfeld buys the newest convertible for his summer in the Hamptons and P. Diddy practically swims in Cristal champagne in the hottest poolside nightclubs in the world. Put on the sun tan lotion and get ready for The Fabulous Life of Celebrity Super Spenders: Summer Edition.
Time to load up in the station wagon and take a blast to the past as The Fabulous Life of Classics: The Brat Pack takea a look inside the lives of yesterday's stars. Look out for the hottest teen movie stars of the '80s: The Brat Pack. Get readyt o see the lives of Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Andrew McCarthy, Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson. It's time for The Fabulous Life of Classics: The Brat Pack
Does your home match up to these celebrity homes? I bet you it doesn't. These spectacular homes feature 200-car garages, cutting-edge-technology security systems, and the homes come along with million dollar price tags. Chump change? Come inside for The Fabulous Life of The World's Most Fantabulous Homes.
Michael Jackson, he's quite a Thriller, isn't he? In the '70s, he proclaimed himself as a popular pop star, and he was. Getting $115 million per album, owning the infamous $22.5 million Neverland, Michael Jackson has plenty of money to go around. But what about when he went bankrupt? How can someone on top of the world slumber down into bankruptcy? Apparantly he owed millions of dollars in debt. Put on your monster face and get ready for The Fabulous Life of Michael Jackson.
Tom Cruise -- one of the most successful actors in Hollywood. He's made $140 million on his Mission: Impossible films, and more in other films. He's a good man, donating millions to various charities. He even donated to a charity related to the 9/11 attacks. So we know he doesn't hog all the wealth for himself. Learn more as you get inside The Fabulous Life of Tom Cruise.
From secret societies to personal stylists, you'll see what it takes and how much it costs to become the next ""leader of the Free World"". When it comes to looking good Bush relies on his $14,000 power suit made from the finest hand-sewn material, but for Kerry it's all about the hair. He even flew in his personal stylist moments before a press conference for a signature cut worth $1000. Find out this and more when you see The Fabulous Life of Bush vs. Kerry Bling Off.
Meet America's newest obsession: Hollywood It Girls. They live in multi-million dollar pads, zip around town in the coolest cars and date Hollywood boy-toys all the other girls would kill for- all while carrying around their pooches in...
It's gettin' hot in here, so take off all your clothes -- and plop a seat on the couch because it's time for the Fabulous Life of Nelly. Making $150,000/month, Nelly knows how to spend it. He likes to spend his money on some $100,000 bling bling to show off. From his cars, to his 300 pound bodyguard, million dollar lakefront mansion, second mansion in St. Louis, and all the girls, Nelly sure lives the fabulous life.
Ever thought about how those Wallstreet Brokers lived, while speculating with your money and burning it in the financial crisis? In this documentary you see the homes of Billionaires and multi Millionaires who earned their money on Wallstreet, the good way and the bad way.

Season 3 - The Fabulous Life of...

Season 4 - The Fabulous Life of...

Season 5 - The Fabulous Life of...