The Catch

The story follows fisherman Ed Collier, who is highly protective over his family, which includes wife Claire and daughter Abbie. However, when a rich young man by the name of Ryan Wilson starts to take an interest in his daughter, Ed feels her becoming increasingly distant and fears he may lose her for good.

Genre: Drama,


Creator: Michael Crompton,

Country: United Kingdom,

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 45 minutes

Release: 2023-01-25

Rating: 5.2

Season 1 - The Catch
When fisherman Ed's daughter Abbie brings home her new boyfriend Ryan, Ed is immediately suspicious of the rich and successful newcomer.
Ed discovers that someone is spying on him and knows a dark secret from his past. Meanwhile, Bob informs Ed that he saw George on CCTV, heading to the boat. Is he behind the sabotage?
More evidence about George emerges, but Ed is warned to leave the past alone. A body is washed up in the harbour, and Ed finds himself in the frame for murder...
As the truth is exposed, Ed must meet his nemesis alone. Will his sins cost him his life?