Sykes and a...

A black-and-white British sitcom starring Eric Sykes and Hattie Jacques that aired on BBC1 from 1960 to 1965. It was written by Eric Sykes, Johnny Speight, John Antrobus and Spike Milligan. It was the first television series to feature both Sykes and Jacques, who later starred in 'Sykes and a Big, Big Show' and 'Sykes'.

Genre: Comedy,




Type: tv

Season: 9

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 1960-01-29

Rating: 5

Season 1 - Sykes and a...

Season 2 - Sykes and a...

Season 3 - Sykes and a...
Eric and Hat have the builders in and need to use the reluctant Mr Brown's bathroom until their own is finished. Pantomime ensues as they flit from house to house in dressing gowns carrying waskbags and rubber ducks. Eric's visit culminates in his getting his toe stuck in a tap and having to be carted off to A&E still sitting in the bath.

Season 4 - Sykes and a...
A rough and ready ex-prisoner, in pursuance of a schooldays pact, claims Hattie as his fiancée.
The elephant's head hanging in Eric and Hattie's hall turns out to be alive, providing a shock to their visiting aunt.
Eric and Hattie are accidentally handcuffed together and must struggle to carry out the simplest domestic tasks.

Season 5 - Sykes and a...

Season 6 - Sykes and a...
Eric and Hattie try to trap a mouse lodging in their lounge.
Eric is the referee in the match between Sebastopol Rangers and Wood Lane Athletic.

Season 7 - Sykes and a...
Eric plays the part of a newspaper reporter.
Eric and Hattie try to transport a piece of timber.

Season 8 - Sykes and a...

Season 9 - Sykes and a...
In a dream, Eric takes on and beats champion golfer Peter Alliss.
Eric and Hattie set out to prove that anyone who gets into a uniform, or even any part of a uniform, becomes a different species from the rest of us.