Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from June 2, 1991 until July 7, 1991. The series was produced by Norman Lear, and marked his return to television producing after an absence of several years. Lear's current wife Lyn Davis Lear served as co-producer on the series, which was the first official Lear show to be made under his latest production marquee Act III Productions.

Genre: Comedy,


Creator: Norman Lear,


Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 1991-06-02

Rating: 7

Season 1 - Sunday Dinner
Returning from a six-week vacation, Ben gathers the family for Sunday dinner to break the news of his engagement to T.T.
Ben's daughters side with T.T. when Ben wants to print a billionaire publisher's environmentally odious magazine.
Convalescing from hernia surgery, Ben vents his pain and frustration on his family.
Vicky tries to sabotage Ben's relationship with T.T. by inviting her deceased mother's best friend to dinner.
When Rachel encounters writer's block over a school essay, working mother Vicky gets angry over T.T.'s helping Rachel.
A famous fashion designer hires Kenneth, but her interest is not in his executive talents; Ben and T.T. set a wedding date.