Small Town Security

Small Town Security is an American reality television series produced by Ken Druckerman and Banks Tarver from Left/Right Productions for the AMC network. The unscripted show focuses on a small, family-owned, private security company called JJK Security, located in the rural city of Ringgold, Georgia. The show, green-lit along with Comic Book Men, was picked up for a season of eight half-hour episodes and premiered after the season 5 premiere of Breaking Bad on July 15, 2012. On September 28, 2012 the series was renewed for a second season, which aired from May 9 until June 27, 2013.

Genre: Documentary, Reality,



Country: United States of America,

Type: tv

Season: 3

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 2012-07-15

Rating: 4

Season 1 - Small Town Security
A reality series about life at a family-run private-security firm in Georgia begins with a look at the training of the force. Later, the boss lands a talk show on public-access TV, but a secret is revealed during a taping.

Season 2 - Small Town Security

Season 3 - Small Town Security
Dennis creates a new training tape for JJK. Joan decides to capitalize on the Speecy Spicy Meatball. Irwin shows off his storage room..
After having his breasts removed, Dennis is ready to begin dating and enlists the help of his friend Sherry Dee Allen, who paints a mural on his wall to give his living quarters a woman's touch. Sherri and Dennis also go on a practice date, where she steers him away from topics like roughage and a "loose" relationship, and he reiterates that he's still in love with Joan. Separately, Brian and Christa help Dennis set up an online dating profile so he can meet women, but before an online date, he rushes to make Joan lunch, get her a Popsicle, and start her foot bath. He and his date play putt-putt golf, where they run into a screaming Irwin (who has already abandoned regular golf, fishing, solitaire, and kite-flying as hobbies that can help him relax). Things go well, and Dennis and his date make plans to see each other again.
JJK gets a muddy gig while Irwin devotes his time to a group of rough young ladies. Chief deals with the loss of her greatest love.
JJK loses a big client, and Irwin works to ensure guard loyalty. Joan struggles with her health and her local cable access show.
Joan gets a shocking diagnosis that comes with some tough side effects. Brian and Dennis land a geeky gig while Christa does some dirty work.