Shaky Ground

Shaky Ground is a TV sitcom created by Bob Keyes, Chip Keyes & Doug Keyes, which starred Matt Frewer as Bob Moody, a hapless, but supportive and caring father. Robin Riker played his wife and Matthew Brooks, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Bradley Pierce played their children. The show aired on FOX for the 1992-1993 season.

Genre: Comedy,




Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 1992-12-27

Rating: 6

Season 1 - Shaky Ground
Bob loses a promotion to a much younger manager and quits his job, but then must break the news to his wife.
Bob has Carter play sick so he can stay home to ""nurse"" him, but actually he wants to watch the hottest fight of the year and avoid having to attend The Nutcracker with Helen and the in-laws.
Bob tries to clean the chimney, but when Dylan gets stuck inside, Bob's marriage may go up in smoke.
Bob moves his poker game to his house so he can chaperone Bernadette's party, a move sure to embarrass her.
Bob's in-laws leave their dog behind when they vacation in Hawaii and when it suddenly dies, Bob could find himself in the doghouse.
Bob and Helen's fifteenth anniversary is clouded when Bernadette finds a love poem from one of Helen's old flames.
After spending long hours at work away from the family, Bob tries to bond with youngest child Dylan.
Before their broken furnace can be replaced, the Moodys must contend with the cold reality of costly asbestos removal—and living in a small trailer in their back yard.
After Bob restores a sports car with Russell and Carter's help, Carter takes it out for an unauthorized spin and wrecks it.
When the school board considers axing Dylan's music classes, Bob takes a stand against budget cuts and starts a petition drive—without much success. When President Clinton visits a local mall, Bob decides his would be the one signature that could turn his cause around.