Seven of One

Seven of One was a British comedy series that aired on BBC2 in 1973. Starring Ronnie Barker, 7 of One is a series of seven separate comedies that would serve as possible pilots for sitcoms. Originally it was to be called Six of One, which Barker planned to follow up with another series called Half Dozen of the Other. This was a BBC version of a similar showcase for LWT called Six Dates with Barker created in 1971.

Genre: Comedy,


Creator: Ronnie Barker,


Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 1973-03-25

Rating: 7

Season 1 - Seven of One
Arkwright, a miserly North-country shopkeeper and his put-upon nephew Granville.
Norman Stanley Fletcher, a career criminal and his escorts — soft-hearted Mr Barrowclough (Brian Wilde) and authoritarian Mr Mackay (Fulton Mackay) going up to prison.
Sam Cobbett is a cantankerous,retired railwayman whose house is demolished by the council,forcing him to live in a tower block with his daughter Doris and her husband,whom he sees as posh and with whom there is mutual antagonism. Later made into a series by Yorkshire Television, starring Clive Dunn
The tale of ailing football team Ashfield Athletic and its trainer, local cabbie/hot-dog salesman/chauffeur Norman Spanner.
Ronnie Barker and Roy Castle as two Laurel and Hardy impersonators who become their characters as an evening's farcical events escalate around them.
Alan Joyce is a fat,greedy man whose wife devises a plan to keep him off food for a day. She goes out and takes not only all the food from the house but Alan's clothes.
A Welsh family, the Owens, who bet on absolutely everything and anything, discover that their grandfather backed a winner on the day he died — but where is the betting slip? This pilot gave Ronnie Barker the idea for The Magnificent Evans (1984).