Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...

This series brings to life the classic tales of Rupert the Bear. Each week we join Rupert and his pals as they venture into magical worlds of enchantment, intrigue and danger.

Genre: Animation,


Creator: Mary Tourtel, Alfred Bestall, Andy Cutbill,


Type: tv

Season: 4

Episode: N/A

Duration: 10 minutes

Release: 2006-11-08

Rating: 7

Season 1 - Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...
Rupert is very skilled at riding his scooter, and drums up some magical assistance to go just that little bit faster.
Rupert, Bill and Ping Pong have to rescue Miranda the Mermaid from the clutches of a giant clam.
Rupert and Ping Pong find a broken bird's nest, containing two eggs, which the Fox Twins have accidentally knocked out of a tree. The mother bird is frantic and the friends are determined to save the eggs.
Rupert, Bill and Raggety meet Astra, a star child who has fallen to earth.
Rupert, Ping Pong, Bill and Ming help the Cloud Shepherd find some missing clouds that have sneaked away to play. But how can the friends get them back up into the sky?
When Ming gets stuck up a tree, Rupert, Ping Pong and Bill try to rescue her but, thanks to Edward's mistakes, they all get stuck too. Can Edward overcome his fear of heights and save them?
When one of Rupert's sneezes escapes, the friends have to find it a home in the forest.
Despite Miranda's warnings, a sandcastle competition in Rocky Bay is in danger from the incoming tide.
Rupert, Edward and Bill go camping, but the Fox Twins play tricks on them.
Whilst Rupert, Ping Pong, Bill and Ming enjoy an impromptu treasure hunt in Nutwood, Raggety is getting the wood tidy for the annual visit of the Spring Inspector.
When Ping Pong uses her magic to turn Rupert's pedal car into a spaceship, they fly to the moon. There they meet the Man on the Moon, who runs a cheese stall.
It's the day of the Nutwood Egg and Spoon race, but Raggety has magically turned Ping Pong into a giant egg. How can Rupert and his friends have their race now?
Miranda the Mermaid has never been able to visit Nutwood — until Rupert has a clever idea.

Season 2 - Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...
It's Edward's birthday and Rupert wants to give him the best birthday party ever.
It's a colorful Nutwood when Rupert and Ping Pong try to use the Rainbow to paint pictures with.
When Ping Pong's spell to fix a broken toy Soldier goes wrong, Rupert and his friends need help from an unexpected source to get him back in the box.
Rupert is very excited; Mother Nature has given him a special elixir to help his sunflower seeds grow, but there's a big surprise to come.
When Mum's cuckoo clock breaks, time stops and Ping Pong, Ming, Edward and Bill freeze in time.
When Ping Pong says she is too busy to join a story reading day Raggety magically brings the books to life and they fly to Ping Pong's Pagoda, where they start to tell her their stories.
Rupert, Ping Pong, Bill, Edward and Raggety find some magical, musical stepping stones deep in the woods and unwittingly unleash a naughty young genie bent on making mischief.
Rupert and the others meet a sad little scarecrow who's lonely and upset that the crows don't come near him.
Ping Pong's magic accidentally brings a picture of an Octopus to life, and the friends need to stop it from causing chaos.
An old Pirate tells Rupert he is searching for the treasure that will raise his sunken ship from the depths. How can Rupert help him?
When Ping Pong's glow-worm trick goes wrong, it's her rival Bill who ends up helping out... with spectacular results.
Rupert asks Ping Pong to do some magic to make their band instruments play better, but the spell goes wrong.
When it starts raining sausages in Nutwood, Rupert and friends fly up to the Cloud Shepherd's home to find out what has happened to the weather machine.

Season 3 - Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...

Season 4 - Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...