Pig City

Pig City is an animated television program originally airing on Teletoon, on September 1, 2002. It features a country pig moving to the big city to live with his cousins. 39 half hour episodes have been produced, coproduced with AnimaKids, and in association with Merchandising Munchen 2001–2003.

Genre: Animation,


Creator: Andrew Knight,


Type: tv

Season: 2

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 2002-09-01

Rating: 8

Season 1 - Pig City
If Reggie doesn't pass his Chemistry exam,he will be sent to summer school.Mikey encourages Martha in helping Reggie study and she agrees in one condition.Mikey needs to find the perfect date for Martha so she can go to the big Hog Wallow Dance on Friday night.
After a meteorite almost crushed Martha in the schoolyard,she thinks this might be her chance to have fame and fortune.Later on Lardez spots it,he claims it as his own discovery. Mikey,Reggie and especially Martha determined to get the meteoroid no matter what's the cost.Once many scientists invade the scene they find out what it really is and where it comes from.

Season 2 - Pig City
All those years of rocking finnaly paid off for Reggie And The Rockers.Why? They made it big and they're going to Japan.That would mean that Reggie,Stig and Bob are thinking that they are the gods of rock.Martha and Mikey are in Japan too and their trip isn't so delightful.When the rest of their family says they've got enough and wants to go back home,Reggie has to make the biggest decision of his life;Stay in Japan as a famous Rockstar or return as a nobody.