
This kids' series follows four origami-animal friends, known as the Awesome Four, as they go on adventures and help other origanimals in trouble.





Type: tv

Season: 2

Episode: N/A

Duration: 12 minutes

Release: 2016-06-01

Rating: 7

Season 1 - Origanimals
Help a hungry penguin to body surf to a lagoon full of fish. It's fun to help our friends learn to do things.
Help a huge anaconda get across an obstacle course of fallen trees and boulders to safely return to her swamp home. Sometimes taking shortcuts can make the journey harder.
A4 is called to the Australian Outback to help a young Frilled Neck Lizard with his survival skill. Following the rules can be fun.
Help a frigate bird inflate his red throat and make a new friend. There's more than one way to conquer a problem.
Help a teenage Toucan cope with a blotchy beak. Beauty is "Beak deep", friendship is forever.
Help a mother marine iguana find shelter and protection for her babies. Do things right away. Don't put off doing what is important.
Help a Flightless Cormorant Realize his Dream of Flying. Where there's a will, there's a way.
Help a black caiman to make friends with other animals who are frightened of him. One shouldn't judge based on appearances alone.
To help a Blue footed Booby with a dancing problem. There's more than one way to conquer a problem.
Help an overwhelmed Capybara to babysit 4 young baby capybaras and get her tasks done. Not taking on too many things that one can handle.
Help a Jaguar find his brother, then rescue him from high tree branches when he can't get down. Know Your Limits.
Rescue crab siblings stranded too far away from land. Know your limits.
Help a young snack-seeking tapir get a log off his head and stop him from stumbling into dangerous situations. Staying calm will solve your problem easier.
Help a forester kangaroo learn to bounce so that she no longer keeps running into her friends. It's ok to do things differently than others.
Never say you can't. Give its a try first. The A4 helps encourage a buffalo to try to push herself to do what she actually can.
Help a nocturnal leopard fall asleep. Sleep is very important for the body and mind
Help a giant tortoise stuck in the ravine get back on it's feet and find a way out. It is important to pay attention to where you are going and your surroundings.
Help a dingo balance his needs to sing with the needs of the neighbors that he's driving crazy to have peace and quiet. There is a time and place for everything.
Help a hedgehog unroll from being curled up (due to fear of thunder). It's okay to be afraid but don't let your fears control you.
Help a sealion accept that being himself is A-ok and more fun than trying to be something you're not. In this case, a lion. Learning to accept oneself as they are.
To help a hippo loose tooth come out. Patience is virtue.
Help a hyena find its laugh. After all laughter is the best medicine.
Help a sloth go places as she's never been going anywhere despite her slowness. But is the end there is no such comfortable feeling like being steady at a place like home.
Help give emotional support to a Red Colobus Monkey who doesn't have red on her. It's okay to be different and unique.
Help a pelican to stay focus on target. Always be steady and stay focus on your aim/goals.
Show a teenage golden lion who keeps crying wolf just to get a visit from his idol the A4, that it can be a safety hazard. Fun can turn into real danger when you 'cry wolf.'

Season 2 - Origanimals
The impala brothers got heir horns tangled during a head-butting argument. The A4 helped to unlock and set them free. You get better results working together than pulling apart.
Help two beaver cousins finish building their dam before rushing floodwaters wash it away. Wasting time catches up with you
Help an emu momma reunite with her rolled-away egg.
Help the elephant clear her stuffed trunk. Good things can come of a bad situation.
Help a browned-furred Ermine to learn the art of stealth and camouflage so she can join her Winter-coat friends going off on a long journey through the snow.
Help a giraffe overcome fear of standing tall. Supportive friends can help us overcome fears.
Help a cranky spotted quoll be in control of his emotions and ferocious nature. Sometimes it is good to lighten up.
Help a scared Aardvark investigate the strange noises in it's burrow.
To help a Sugar Glider calm down from her hyper state and give her the tools needed to become less dependent on sugar,her go-to snack. Monitor what you eat,it can effect how you act.
Help a young ostrich move fast. Persistence/practice helps make you better at something.
Help a young numbat who loves to eat but doesn't always stop and pay attention to how and what he's eating. It is important to think before doing something so one can make better choices.
Help a young Porcupine to learn how to keep his nerves calm so that his quills are under control from accidentally pricking anyone around him. Accepting that growing up comes with new challenges.
Help a young lion find his roar. Perceived weaknesses may become your strength.
Help an albatross keep focused and not get lost during flying missions.
Help a young reindeer overcome his self-conscious fears and learn to have fun in spite of having disabilities.
To help a Manatee take his best friend,a Toucan,on a thrilling ride of a lifetime. The strength of a deep friendship makes one do anything to accommodate their closest friend.
Help a polar bear cub reunite with his mother when he got trapped on a crack iceberg and is floating away from his mother after wandering off away from her protection. Don't wander off too far away from your parent.
Help a pampas fox deal with his personal hygiene problem. Instilling good hygiene habits in oneself will go a long way.
Help to reassure a young wallaby that there is nothing to be afraid of and find his confidence to leave his mother's pouch.
Help a young gorilla get down from the bamboo tree. Stick to what you can do when you are young.
Help a meerkat to be a guard for his family be ready for the unexpected.
Help to boost a platypus's self confidence and get him ready to compete in an obstacle course. One can overcome obstacles if one believes in oneself.
Help a snowy owl rescue his owl friend who got blown away by strong winds and now stuck on a rocky outcrop. Becareful when you are out and always listen to friends when they give good advice.
Help two possum brothers who are fearful of the dark be braver and feel better.
Help a grizzly bear and a musk ox find their way home and unite them with their families.
Did the grizzly bear and a musk ox finally find their way home and reunite with their families?