
Manswers is a late night comedy series that premiered on Spike on September 19, 2007. The series is produced by reality television production company, SuperDelicious, and airs on Spike. The executive producers are Adam Cohen, Cara Tapper, Joanna Vernetti, Akifumi Takuma and Michael Schelp. The show garnered an average of 1.1 million viewers during its first year among a specific target audience. The first season consisted of 9 half-hour episodes. The second season continued to show 13 episodes of similar material. MANswers is a satire aimed at predominately male audiences with a wide age range, primarily 18–40. Questions of a comical nature are asked and answered which usually relate to women and tips on how to get them to date you, sex-related questions and trivia, and defense mechanisms in deadly & harmful situations, and also firearms. Specialists with Masters and PhD degrees are brought in and give information from which the viewer can learn. MANswers US TV rating varies from episode to episode. It can be from TV-14-D,L,S,V to TV-MA-,L,S,V. The average rating is TV-MA.

Genre: Documentary, Comedy,




Type: tv

Season: 4

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 2007-09-19

Rating: 4.9

Season 1 - Manswers
How to tell if he's a dealer or a narc How much booze will kill you How to rate women in bed
How to pass a drug test even though you still do them? How long can you last in space without a spacesuit? How to remove a bullet yourself?
How to take a punch How to tell if the woman is a cop or really a hooker How to get drunk the fastest way What are the biggest size boobs
Can the dump of death really kill you? How to best protect yourself if a bar fight breaks out? What is the best time of day to have sex? How big does the boob have to be to crush a beer can?
Viewers get the answers to the questions: How to break out of handcuffs on your own? Can a bullet break an breast implant? What would kill you first in a fight, a gun or a samurai sword?
How small can a bikini be and still be legal? Can drinking nothing but beer keep you alive?
The buoyancy of female breasts (real and augmented), sobriety tests, and the best place on the body to get shot are discussed.
Segments include a feature about cannibalism, the sex drives of women with real breasts and augmented breasts are compared and analyzed, the financial value of sperm is another topic of discussion.
How Can You Kill a Bear With Your Hands? How Much Does a Man Fart in a Day? What Smell Turns Women On the Most? How Can a Guy Get High Legally? Which Nationality Is Most Likely to Put Out on the First Date? How Can You Get Paid to Get a Tattoo? Who Drives Better, Men or Women? How Do You Take a Stripper Home?

Season 2 - Manswers
How can your poop save somebody's life? What's the number one sex injury?
Where's the world's biggest strip club? How can you save someone with your farts?
Your smoking it up in your car and a cop comes. How can you hide the drugs and not get busted? Self-conscious about yourself. How do you get a bigger penis? Where in the world is the drunkest place?
What addiction can be solved by whipping? In what country will girls spend more time having sex with you? What is more nutritious: cat or dog?
Like naked girls, want to see more, but don't know how. Well, here are the five best nude beaches. We all like getting high, but how can we get more high?
Wait, can beer actually make breasts bigger? Animals, got to love them. But what if they don't love you. What five animals have the ability to take your life? And do short people cost more or less?
We pay for the girls, but how much of our money goes to the pimp? Want a girl in the mood. Well, what turns her on? Does your karate master have the ability to rip out your heart? Want a date? Who is the best person to take with you?
Your in a club and notice a girl. Is she really a girl. How do you tell the real from the not? The worlds fastest man can run about 40 miles per hour. But how fast can our little men go? You can't sit but love eating hamburgers. Can hamburgers help you with your hemorrhoids?
Light travels fasts and so do car. How fast can we run before we start to lose a limb? A tiger is about to attack. How do you defend yourself form this vicious creature? You want to spice it up but not go to jail. Where can you make a sex tape with your partner and not go to jail?
We have all heard of blue balls. But how cold does it actually have to be before your testicles fall off? You drank to much and have a hangover. Who do you pray to to get rid of the hangover? Which is more deadly, being strangled or bitten by a snake?
Your at a club and urinate everywhere. How can you improve your urination? You just lost a limb and are nowhere near a hospital. How long do you have to reattach the limb? You hate Osama, so do our animals. What animal is being trained to fight the war on terror?
Afraid of surgery? How many people actually feel whats going on? Sex in an airplane, how about underwater. How can you safely have sex, beneath the blue? We all know guys are horny. But what guy will have sex with anything?
We think that all blonds are stupid. But is their stupidity contagious? Its time for a drinking game. But which animal can best you at the sport? There are some crazy and nasty fetishes out there, but where is the most extreme fetish of all? A bomb is about to blow. How can you defuse it and not lose your life?

Season 3 - Manswers
What's the world's smallest handgun? How can you generate electricity with huge, swinging boobs? What's the surefire way to tell if a chick's a virgin? How many nukes would it take to blow up the earth?

Season 4 - Manswers