
Lottery! is an American drama series that premiered on ABC on September 9, 1983. The series aired for one season of 17 episodes and starred Ben Murphy as Patrick Sean Flaherty, and Marshall Colt as Eric Rush. Lottery! centered around ordinary people who have won the lottery--all of a sudden becoming millionaires--and how it changes their lives.

Genre: Drama,


Creator: Rick Rosner,


Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 60 minutes

Release: 1983-09-09

Rating: 5.5

Season 1 - Lottery!
A kid wins the lottery and shares the prize with his blood brother. A group of elderly people who have won the lottery get swindled by a real estate agent who promised to find a ranch for them.
Mrs. Hanson, a widow who has married again, is the fortunate winner of the lottery prize. The lady has two sons. The married couple had bought the lottery ticket for their wedding. A librarian has also won the lottery prize.