Leg Work

Leg Work is an American detective drama television series created by Frank Abatemarco that premiered on CBS on October 3, 1987. The show was short-lived and only 10 episodes were produced, of which only six were aired prior to the show's cancellation. The final episode aired on November 7, 1987. The cable network TV Land later aired the remaining four episodes.

Genre: Drama,




Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 60 minutes

Release: 1987-10-03

Rating: 5

Season 1 - Leg Work
Claire's deadbeat client is murdered while she attempts to collect the large fee owed to her detective agency.
Claire is hired to provide proof that a car-wash manager did not plant the bomb that blew up a gangland figure's car.
Claire agrees to help organize a surprise party for a friend's husband, but when she searches for some of his old friends, she discovers that the man's past is a complete fabrication.
Claire agrees to work for a law firm representing an elderly woman and her money-hungry heirs.
Claire investigates the owner of a welfare hotel and learns that the owner is a close friend of her brother.
Claire agrees to assist a former client who is being prosecuted for murder by Willie.
Claire goes undercover to investigate conditions in a local nursing home.
Claire helps a friend suffering from AIDS and, in the process, comes to re-examine her own life.
Claire becomes suspicious when her cleaning lady wins big in Atlantic City.
Claire tries to help a car thief who is trying to steal enough money so an old man can get a desperately needed operation.