
Based on the heartbreaking true story of Banaz Mahmod, the young Londoner murdered by her own family for falling in love with the wrong man, Honour follows Detective Chief Inspector Caroline Goode's passionate search to discover the fate of missing 20-year old Banaz.

Genre: Drama, Crime,


Creator: Richard Laxton,

Country: United Kingdom,

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 48 minutes

Release: 2020-09-28

Rating: 7.3

Season 1 - Honour
When Banaz Mahmod's boyfriend reports her missing, DCI Caroline Goode discovers the missing 20-year-old had been to the police five times to report threats to life, even presenting a list of people wanting to kill her for shaming her family.
Banaz' body is found in Birmingham following a lead from a phone tap, but the DNA evidence is destroyed when a water pipe bursts. More evidence from the phones lead to Banaz' father and uncle standing trial, where their solicitors mount a convincing defence - until Bekhal courageously steps forward to deliver evidence from behind a screen. Meanwhile, Caroline tries to arrange for the last two perpetrators to be extradited from Iraq to the UK.