Arikawa Hime is a student at Shimoshina High School. One day, he was being pursued by loan sharks and is saved by the student council. Up until then, everything was okay, but...
Hime is now forced to be a crossdresser and can't help but be concerned about the stares he gets at school. The student council appears, suddenly, and apparently so does the public morals committee...
Because of a sudden mission, the student council members are asked to help out various clubs. While helping about various clubs, all eyes go toward Hime...
The student council go to help the art club. Hime was asked to be a nude model suddenly and despite his objections, he is forced to strip and...
Hime is rather depressed about his test scores. The student council is filled with geniuses, so he gets them to help him study, but their methods are...
Hime goes to a doujin event to help Bel-senpai. The popular thing to look out for at doujin events is of course, cosplay... So of course they dress him up, and...
The student council ends up having to help the swim team practice. Of course, they have to dress in swimsuits, and the swimsuit prepared for Hime is a girl's swimsuit. Hime obviously isn't happy with that, but...
The student council go to a shopping mall on their day off. Hime is told to dress as a girl, and the other members have a terrible plan in mind for him...
Despite his protests, Hime is forced to appear in a Girls' Contest in a swimsuit to help promote the cultural fair. The student council and public morals committee both participate, and it is there that Kaguya tells Hime something...
As members of the public morals committee, Kaguya and #1 are supposed to do a uniform check early in the morning. Kaguya is tired and complains... but then sees something shocking. They end up finding all sorts of shocking truths about the public morals committee that day...
Hime, Kaguya, and #1 are invited to Mitsunaga's house... but the student council finds out and tags along, as well. Though hesitant, Mitsunaga lets them all in... and of course, there's only one thing to do when invited into someone's room...
Hime tries to warn thugs who are trying to peep into the girls' locker room. Despite feeling fear in approaching them, he felt it was his duty to warn them. However, the student council doesn't seem to take it as seriously as he does, and...
The day after Hime left, the student council room was much more quiet than usual. 18+ mentions trying to find someone to replace Hime, but President Unko says there could never be a replacement for Hime. And once again, Hime is assaulted by thugs and is then rescued by...