
Based on the real life and achievements of Dr. Kathy Magliato, this unique character-driven medical drama follows Dr. Alex Panttiere, an outspoken world-renowned heart-transplant surgeon and one of the few women in her field. Stubborn and fearless, Alex always operates on her own terms. Watch as she revels in a racy personal life, manages the daily demands of skeptical faculty and dutiful interns, and pushes the boundaries of medical science to impressive new heights.

Genre: Drama,


Creator: Jill Gordon,

Country: United States of America,

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 44 minutes

Release: 2016-03-22

Rating: 6.339

Season 1 - Heartbeat
A new patient who is in critical need of a heart transplanthas to rely on Dr. Panttiere and the unconventional methods she uses.
An ethical debate begins after Alex suggests performing some risky surgery on conjoined twins that have been diagnosed with cancer.
Alex sees a young man who is only able to recite sentences backward as a chance to try out some new technology.
Alex and Pierce are at odds about whether the hospital should provide an experimental treatment for patients with advanced-stage cancer. In other events, Max wants to change the family dynamic with Alex and Ji Sung connects with Callahan.
A patient questions Alex's ability to leave personal grief outside the OR when she performs heart surgery on the anniversary of her sister's death; Millicent dates an artist; Pierce wants to be more of a part of Alex's family.
A case brings back memories for Alex, Jesse and Millicent as they fight to save a heart transplant patient when she sustains devastating injuries in a car crash.
Alex and Ji-Sung fight to save the life of a transgender woman with breast cancer; a consultant from another hospital forces Jesse to confront her feelings for Alex.
When Alex's father needs a new kidney, an unlikely donor emerges and family secrets threaten to destroy the close relationship between father and daughter.
Alex (Melissa George) and Jesse (Don Hany) put the hospital's reputation on the line while trying to fulfill the dying wish of a young heart patient.
In the Season 1 finale, a mysterious illness sends the hospital into lockdown; and leaves Alex fighting to save the lives of Jesse, Pierce and Ji-Sung. In other events, Millicent deals with the consequences when Alex disobeys the CDC; and an elderly man's search for his missing wife causes Alex to make a major decision about her love life.