
Hawkins is a television series which aired for one season on CBS between 1973 and 1974. The mystery, created by Robert Hamner and David Karp, starred James Stewart as rural-bred lawyer Billy Jim Hawkins, who investigated the cases he was involved in, similarly to Stewart's earlier smash hit movie Anatomy of a Murder. Despite being critically well received and winning a Golden Globe Award, the series was cancelled after one season consisting of seven 90-minute episodes. Stewart requested the cancellation since he believed that the quality of scripts and directors in television could not continuously measure up to the level to which he was accustomed with theatrical films. Seen as part of The New CBS Tuesday Night Movies, it alternated with the TV movie adaptations of Shaft. Contemporary analysts suggested that since the two shows appealed to vastly different audience bases, alternating them only served to confuse fans of both series, giving neither one the time to build up a large viewership.

Genre: Mystery,


Creator: David Karp,


Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 90 minutes

Release: 1973-03-13

Rating: 7.2

Season 1 - Hawkins
Hawkins defends an heiress charged with a triple murder.
Billy Jim journeys to Hollywood when a movie star's husband is accused of murder.
Janet Hubbard is accused of the murder of her husband.
Hawkins defends Joe Hamilton on a charge of murder.
Lawyer Billy Jim Hawkins' distant relative, Stanley Hawkins, is killed and the young Don Morrison is suspected, igniting an old blood feud. To ease the situation, Jim Hawkins takes over the defense of Don Morrison.
Hawkins tries to find out who really murdered a sports mogul.
A man is accused of murdering a young woman in his mother's hotel.
Hawkins defends a politician accused of murder.