Ghosthunters is a British paranormal documentary television series that originally aired from 1996 to 1997 on the Discovery Channel. The four-series program was produced by Inca Productions of Covent Garden, London, hosted by Ian Cashmore, and narrated by William Woollard. Ian Cashmore also appeared in the promo for the American Syfy series Ghost Hunters.
Type: tv
Season: 4
Episode: N/A
Duration: 25 minutes
Release: 1996-04-14
Rating: 10
Season 1 - Ghosthunters
Dr. Patrick Ottaway and Jim Lyons investigate Roman ghost sightings at the Treasurer's House, York and Mersea Island, Essex.
There was a battle of wills going on at the George pub in Preston, Lancashire - landlord versus spectre ! "This pub ain't big enough for the both of us", to paraphrase the pop group Sparks ! These things shouldn't happen, but they do .. An 'exorcism' was performed, but was it successful ?
Chingle Hall is in the North of England; a rather forbidding mansion house, built on the site of an ancient monastery. Do the monks of former timesstill occupy the site? There are many who have stayed at Chingle Hall who would agree that they do.
Psychic mediums claim to have a strange power; that they can actually communicate in a meaningful way with troubled spirits who remain linked for one reason or another, to a perticular location. We observe Britain's most celebrated psychic medium at work, as he patiently makes contact with some other being and seeks to unravel their tragic story.
A village in Wales. A small maintenance and repair workshop. A most unlikely setting for a ghost story, yet it is the setting for one of the most remarkable and inexplicable paranormal stories in the history of the British Society of Psychical Research. We talk to the people who worked there as they tell the story of a whimsical, playful, gentle spirit, apparently of a young boy, who decided to take up residence in their workplace and stayed with them for many years. They will never forget their encounters with him.
We follow a parish priest as he goes about his duties, taking in his stride as a normal part of his work, counselling, advising and helping his parishioners who have had an encounter of the paranormal kind.
Season 2 - Ghosthunters
People on a country walk came across an old churchyard and a woodland copse, which they explored. They enjoyed the experience so much that they wanted to revisit the place. They couldn't because it had not existed for several hundred years. Is there any explanation for these apparent ripples in time?
Parapsychologist and Professor of Astronomy Archie Roy investigates modern tales of post mortem apparitions and crisis apparitions.
A haunted ballroom. A haunted theater. In a small town in the North of England. We explore the idea that a passionate love for a perticular place may conceivably endure beyond the grave.
Dartmoor is a wild, untamed moorland area in the far west of England. It has few roads and fewer villages. And yet is the resting place for a host of mysterious stories and unexplained events.
In England, a suburban housewife is the target of a voodoo curse originating in the USA. The psychic attacks are extremely upsetting for the lady and her husband - at one time she was raped ! A medium is brought in to 'cleanse' the house. Several scientists and paranormal experts try to explain 'rationally' what is going on ; are forces beyond our current scientific knowledge being harnessed ?
Looks at The Bell Inn in Thetford, Norfolk, England with ghosthunter Tony Cornell of the Society for Psychical Research. Also, investigator Trish Robertson probes the haunting of an art school in Paisley near Glasgow.
Season 3 - Ghosthunters
Many visitors to a battlefield have reported encounters with 17th century soldiers.
A Victorian school burned down, and in recent years there have been reports of strange happenings in a nearby photographic studio. Episode includes interview with Colin Wilson.
Castle Leslie is set on a lakeside in southern Ireland. Over the years there have been many unexplained incidents of ghostly activity with long-dead relatives.
This episode follows an extraordinary trail of clues that eventually leads to the identification and 'rescue' of the troubled spirit of an eighteenth century fisherman in Plymouth.
A Catholic priest and a Professor of Psychology in Belgium grapple with the complex problems of apparent possession by a ghostly spirit … resulting in an exorcism.
The ghost of a hanging man and spectres believed to be King Arthur have been 'seen' ! The sounds of smugglers are heard to this day in the famous Jamaica Inn ... The beautiful village of Altarnun is visited by two mediums ...
A young family living in a modern house in the North of England have their lives disrupted by a frightening paranormal visitor. Attempts were made by more than one exorcist to cast out this spirit but the result was not a permanent solution and the family move away from the area.
Season 4 - Ghosthunters
A psychic looks into the mystery of a woman's physical possession by a ghostly spirit. Same as episode 2.5 (11), "The Possession".
An investigation into reports of sightings of soldiers long dead. Same as episode 3.1 (13), "Spirits of the Civil War".
Snowdonia is the highest mountain in Wales, set in the midst of a remote and wild countryside, steeped in history. A team of three ghosthunters are at work with members of the local communities, trying to unravel some of the paranormal events that have taken place.
The River Severn is one of Britain's greatest rivers, running through some of the most beautiful countryside in the west of England. A psychic researcher travels round the area to explore local paranormal mysteries and offers an unusual explaination for the high concentration of local haunted dwellingsy. CJ Romer and Dr. Serena Roney-Dougal.
Nestling between the Wicklow Mountains and the Irish Sea is a small and lonely farmhouse. It is the centre of some remarkable and disturbing paranormal activity. A young boy has drowned. We seek historical explaination.
In the world of the paranormal, physical upheaval often seems to open the gates to other realities. The building of a motorway in the north of England disturbed an ancient monastic burial ground. A number of local people have some very frightening instances to report since the building took place.
Eddie Burks is one of Britain's most celebrated psychic investigators. We travel with him to a remote village in East Anglia where the local baker has reported some bizzare happenings. We unravel some of the fascinating history of a 16th century bakehouse.
The Somme, in Northern France, was the site of one of the bloodiest battlefields in all of human history. Over a million British, French and German soldiers died there in the Great War. We travel across the battlefield with an historian, and a remarkable psychic medium, to relive some of the most personal and tragic episodes in the battle.