Hosted by comedian Jason Manford, First & Last is a game show that puts contestants through a succession of ingenious rounds, all of which have one golden rule – players mustn’t come first or last in any game. If they do, they will be eliminated.
Hosted by comedian Jason Manford, First & Last is a game show that puts contestants through a succession of ingenious rounds, all of which have one golden rule – players mustn’t come first or last in any game. If they do, they will be eliminated.
Hosted by comedian Jason Manford, First & Last is a game show that puts contestants through a succession of ingenious rounds, all of which have one golden rule – players mustn’t come first or last in any game. If they do, they will be eliminated.
Hosted by comedian Jason Manford, First & Last is a game show that puts contestants through a succession of ingenious rounds, all of which have one golden rule – players mustn’t come first or last in any game. If they do, they will be eliminated.
Hosted by comedian Jason Manford, First & Last is a game show that puts contestants through a succession of ingenious rounds, all of which have one golden rule – players mustn’t come first or last in any game. If they do, they will be eliminated.
Hosted by comedian Jason Manford, First & Last is a game show that puts contestants through a succession of ingenious rounds, all of which have one golden rule – players mustn’t come first or last in any game. If they do, they will be eliminated.