Rekha and Vijay, married and living in a city, face serious challenges when the social media platform, Clicker, enters their lives. Rekha is overjoyed with her new-found success on Clicker and is ready to go to any extreme to retain her online popularity.
Krishnamoorthy, a retired banker and a strict disciplinarian, is finding it tough to deal with a real-life situation when a threat from the digital world forces him to face unexpected consequences.
Priya and Vidhya's friendship takes a hit when Varun, a handsome young man, enters their lives. And social media platforms, instead of bringing the friends closer, only heighten Priya's woes permanently changing her equation with her friend.
Sandhya is a postgraduate student who harbours numerous dreams and ambitions. Raghavan, an IT professional, on the other hand, lives a monotonous life. The two instantly hit it off after connecting on dating app Qupid. But the seemingly perfect relationship suddenly begins to develop cracks with unforeseen twists and turns.
Sanjay is an actor who is loved by the masses and the classes alike. The star is highly active and vocal on the social media platform Expressit. However, Sanjay is not aware of the surprise that Expressit has in store for him a surprise that will challenge his reputation, his family, and, ultimately, his decade-long career.
Shruti, a psychologist, is on a mission to spread awareness about digital depression. She meets ACP Arivazhagan to discuss the dangerous side of the digital world.
As the ACP digs deeper into finding Eclipse, the hunt intensifies. Aadinath sets his trap and so does Navin. While Mr. and Mrs. Sethupathi go about their lives, someone plots a deadly game.
A heartbroken ACP Arivazhagan seeks Shruti’s help to regain composure. Aadinath's world comes to a standstill when an old acquaintance enters his life. Venkat yearns to express himself.
Priya works towards achieving her goals while the turn of events shocks Venkat. Tara and Navin get closer. ACP Arivazhagan's investigation intensifies while Aadinath starts to settle old scores.
Navin visits Aadinath while the cops call Venkat for an interrogation. Shruti’s search turns out to be futile, and so does ACP Arivazhagan's investigation. But things change when the ACP talks with Venkat.
The ACP finds a vital clue but hits a roadblock again. Priya’s life starts changing as she fights her inner demons. Venkat, Navin, and Aadinath go about their chaotic lives as Eclipse enters the picture.
As things unfold, new revelations hit ACP, Shruti, and Priya. While guilt plagues Venkat, Navin proves he is the master of chaos again. Aadinath gets ready to lead his dream life.
Shruti finds the person she has been searching for as the ACP solves the crime. Priya seeks redemption while Navin chases victory. As everyone's lives resolve, a new, faceless entity threatens to disrupt everything.