Felix the Cat

Felix the Cat follows the offbeat adventures of that curious feline, Felix. Although he was quickly overshadowed by Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, America's favorite cat still remains a classic.

Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Kids, Sci-Fi & Fantasy,



Country: United States of America,

Type: tv

Season: 3

Episode: N/A

Duration: 8 minutes

Release: 1958-10-02

Rating: 7.5

Season 1 - Felix the Cat
The Professor plots to steal "the magic bag" from Felix.
Felix is rocketed into space by the Professor.
Felix meets the Abominable Snowman.
The Professor sets out to ambush Felix out West.
The Professor tries to trick Felix by disguising himself as Felix.
The Professor uses his Electronic Brainwasher on Felix in an attempt to learn the secret of his "magic bag."
The Professor, disguised as Dinah the Dinosaur, traps Felix.
Felix gets swallowed by a GIANT whale in this sea-sized adventure!
Felix sets sail on a Ghost Ship.
The professor, disguised as the Captain of the Ghost Ship, challenges Felix to a duel.
Felix is shipwrecked in Egypt and the Professor turns Felix into a painting on a pyramid wall!
Detective Felix is on the prowl for the evil Rock Bottom.
Felix sets out to stop Rock Bottom from stealing all the rubber needed for bouncy balls and balloons.
Rock Bottom keeps running into bad luck.
The Professor and Rock Bottom kidnap Felix to turn him into stone!
Rock Bottom steals Felix's new friend: Penelope the Elephant.
At his show, Felix exhibits a money tree, which Rock Bottom and the Professor plan to steal!
When the Professor and Rock Bottom discover there is oil on Felix's property, they scheme in every way possible to take it from him.
The Professor and Rock Bottom use evil ravens to steal the crown jewels.
A gold car is to be given away at the fair, but the Professor and Rock Bottom plan to steal it first!
Felix is the Sheriff in the town of Dead-Beat.
The Professor and Rock Bottom plot to follow Felix to his gold mine and take it!
Felix is trapped in jail, while the villains continue to try to steal his gold mine.
Felix is a Private Eye in search of Pierre Mustache's "claim."
Felix has an 18-carat gold fruit tree that the Professor and Rock Bottom want all for themselves!
Felix baby-sits for the Professor's nephew, Poindexter, who builds a flying saucer headed for the moon.
Poindexter sneaks into the Professor's laboratory and concocts a shrinking solution, which he gives to Felix!
The Professor invents instant money that flows through water faucets.
Felix and Poindexter are captured by the evil Master Cylinder on the moon. Can the Professor save them?
The Professor invents an invisible paint as he and Rock Bottom plot to steal the King's Gold.
Felix follows the Professor and Poindexter to the planet Venus.

Season 2 - Felix the Cat

Season 3 - Felix the Cat
Felix and Poindexter travel back in time to a medieval castle, where they encounter the Professor and Rock Bottom. The Professor, posing as a wizard, and Rock Bottom, as Sir Rock, scheme to steal Felix's Magic Bag of Tricks.
Felix and Poindexter visit a ranch owned by Bart, where they encounter a giant bear named Big Brownie. Bart devises a plan to use a beehive full of honey as a trap to lure Big Brownie away. Poindexter, considering Big Brownie a friend, warns him about the trap.
Felix discovers a gold nugget in the Arctic and suggests splitting it three ways with the Professor and Rock Bottom. However, they later realize the nugget is a "Genuine Imitation Gold Nugget," worth only a bowl of soup at the Gold Prospectors café, which they share among themselves.
Felix enters a golf competition with a $10,000 prize. The Professor and Rock Bottom, eager to win the prize money, also participate in the tournament.
Big Brownie is a 1960 episode in the Trans-Lux Felix the Cat series for television, as directed & Produced by Joe Oriolo.It is the first of the three with Rancher Bart and Big Brownie, together with "Felix and Poindexter Out West" and "Out West with Big Brownie". One day, at the Professor's lab with Felix and Poindexter, Felix's just got a letter from racnher Mr.Bart, meaning Felix can no longer babysit, so he has to get to bed early and get ready. However, that night, as the cat gets ready, guess who sneaks into the suitcase, Poindexter, despite real life hazards of this. Soon, at the ranch, Felix is with Bart, who tells "tale tells" to Felix of big grizzly bear, "Big Brownie", who's been storming the ranch, raging thru tree.