A YouTuber rents out an Airbnb close to an abandoned McDonald’s, little does he know he would be paid a visit by an unexpected guest.
Once Ben finally escapes Ronald McDonald he calls the cops, once the cops don't believe him Harvey comes over to the house, he tells Harvey the story but obviously doesn't believe Ben, once they fall asleep Ben wakes up by the kitchen, he sees nothing, he wakes again sees Harvey gone, the rest you will have to find out for yourselves.
Once Ben and Harvey dies, a new person that has moved in watches it on the news, the reporter aka his friend come into the house for a hang, they go over to the new renovated McDonald's, after ordering well, you will have to watch it for yourself...
After killing Ronald McDonald Ashton calls over Tyler and and finds this secret underground place at the McDonalds and find this new McDonald's.
After Tyler comes back he shows Ashton the place where he got abducted and because this episode is exciting you will have to watch the rest for yourself...
Ashton goes to the village to try to find Tyler but couldn't, he comes back home and wakes from a nightmare, he goes to the far away McDonalds and finds?
When Ashton gets pushed off of the thing by Ronald McDonald he heads home and finds... Max, he lets max stay at his home and tells him the story, he goes to the village for one last look for Tyler and doesn't find him, he heads back and finds?
After realizing Ben is alive he heads home and sees Tyler.... the rest Is too good. you got to watch for yourself.
After Tyler got trapped Ashton goes to the McDonalds to and finds Ronald McDonald, Ashton follow's Ronald down the back ladder and finds.
After seeing Ronald McDonalds Sign Ashton look backs at Tyler and sees Tyler has gone again...
This Is The Finale I Cant Spoil That Much.