Dragon Hunters

Dragon Hunters is a cartoon series created by Arthur Qwak and produced by the French company Futurikon. It follows the adventures of two hunters for hire through a medieval world of floating land masses that is terrorized by a widely varying menace of monsters known collectively as dragons. A 3-D feature film and a videogame based on the film have also been released. Its original French title is Chasseurs de Dragons.

Type: tv

Season: 2

Episode: N/A

Duration: 24 minutes

Release: 2006-01-14

Rating: 7

Season 1 - Dragon Hunters
Gwizdo sinks into a deep, introspective depression, right as a vicious dragon with the ability to blend into the environment begins stalking the hunters
The woman-run society of Amazoomia needs the hunters' help in killing a dragon that is stealing its children. The dragon, though, may not be so dragon-like after all...
Lian Chu is poisoned by a dragon, and can only be healed by the gland of a Mimikar. Gwizdo must go out on his own to hunt down the last Mimikar on the island.
An order of monks hires Gwizdo and Lian Chu to kill a dragon that protects the mystical Isle of Mist. But the island contains a secret the dragon hunters don't know...until it's too late.
A mysterious rival has been stealing the dragon hunters' contracts for weeks. Gwizdo and Lian Chu attempt to track down the villain and discover someone they know...
Gwizdo and Lian Chu discover they aren't registered with the Chamber of Commerce as official dragon hunters. They must kill seven dragons in a day in order to earn their spot.
Gwizdo pretends to be the long-lost son of a desperate rich couple. While his plan works at first, things soon become complicated. Could Gwizdo actually be their son?
Gwizdo and Lian Chu bring back a Sizzler dragon's head, which Gwizdo has hung on the tavern's wall. But Sizzlers have a funny habit--their bodies come looking for their heads.
Prince Charming arrives at the tavern and immediately charms the whole community. But his evil minstrel plans to collect on his boss's popularity, unless Gwizdo can stop him.
Gwizdo and Lian Chu's old orphan friend Billy Toughnut comes by to hire the hunters to protect his wife from a dragon. They soon discover that the dragon is closer than they thought.
Gwizdo and Lian Chu fight against a dragon that can turn its enemies into stone with one glance. Can the hunters save the tavern and all of their friends without looking?
A wealthy merchant comes to the inn looking to move in and take over. Gwizdo, fearing eviction, infests the entire tavern with a pack of vicious rat-like dragons called Smacklings.
When a dragon makes its nest on the roof of the inn, Gwizdo gets Lian-Chu to pretend to be a baby dragon to infiltrate it. However, things don't go according to plan.
Hector runs away from the dragon hunters to pursue life in the wild. Meanwhile, Gwizdo gets a dog named Woofwoof as a replacement, but things don't turn out so well.
Gwizdo and Lian Chu help the starving Zimbrenelle dwarves fend off a hungry night dragon. But as the dragon keeps escaping, the dwarves resolve to eat Hector instead.
Jeanneline finally gets fed up with Gwizdo's unpaid tab and throws him out of the tavern. His hunt for riches quickly takes a turn south as the Saint George crashes into a mountain.
Jeanneline's ex-husband Roger returns, giving Zaza the father she has never known. However, Gwizdo becomes determined to prove that Roger isn't what he claims to be.
Zaza finds a map leading to a valuable dragon and forces Gwizdo and Lian Chu to take her with them. But things get dangerous when the dragon kidnaps Zaza.
Gwizdo, Lian Chu, and Hector search for Zoria, the innkeeper's missing daughter. But an attack from the vicious Budzards forces them inside a castle with some very unpleasant hosts.
Gwizdo falls head-over-heels for a pretty young blonde who shows up at the tavern with a baby dragon. He even offers his services for free, which turns out to be a tragic mistake.
Jeanneline is hired to prepare a feast for a noble lord. His only request? Fresh dragon! Jeanneline joins Gwizdo and Lian Chu on a quest to take down a beastly dinner.
Lian Chu vanishes to return to his village, seeking to hunt down the dragon that murdered his family and friends. Meanwhile, Gwizdo gets a once-in-a-lifetime contract offer.
Gwizdo comes up with a convoluted plan to pretend to be bounty hunters and hunt themselves after the vengeful Zimbrenelle dwarves put prices on our heroes' heads.
In order to exploit an extremely rich island, Gwizdo has Hector pose as a vicious dragon. But the potion Hector takes makes him a bit angrier than intended...
Gwizdo and Lian Chu return to their orphanage only to find it in ruins. Gwizdo must follow the advice of a single orphan survivor while proving himself above his scaredy-cat reputation.
Zaza goes off on her first solo mission to kill a dragon that's been terrorizing a nearby island. However, as usual, things aren't as they seem and the "dragon" is a bit too much to handle.

Season 2 - Dragon Hunters
Gwizdo offers to rid an island of their dragon problem for a small fortune, but he soon finds this to be more difficult than planned when the dragon refuses to play nice.
Zoria trains a dragon to power a flying ship but Lian Chu is worried the beast will turn the vessel into dragon-crunchies at a moment's notice.