Deep Space 69

Deep Space 69 is an animation created by Daniel Cardenas and produced by Mondo Media, the show is a parody of Star Trek: Deep Space 9. The show tells the story of Jay, a womanizer, and Hamilton a koala, which is the sidekick Jay, the two go through space looking for women. The design has a season with 19 episodes.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,


Creator: Daniel Cardenas,


Type: tv

Season: 4

Episode: N/A

Duration: N/A minutes

Release: 2012-07-15

Rating: 7.8

Season 1 - Deep Space 69
Jay and Hamilton accept a mission to take a brutal Dictators sexy daughters to safety. Jay makes the simple mistake of having an orgy with the daughters and enrages the Dictator. Jay must win his freedom the honorable way, a crystal sword fight to the death.
Jay and Hamilton head to the beautiful planet of Alderaan to investigate a newly legal teenage princess.
Jay has a hard choice deciding between two species.
The OGC-1 contracts an STD (ship troubling decision) after going through a dirty black hole.
The only thing standing between Jay and his space license is a licentious land-octopus.
Jay gets selected for a most special and terrifying dong honor on the planet Terra Bliss.
Jay's new lady friend causes some trouble when it turns out she is a fugitive replicant.
Jay follows the siren song of the most beautiful honeys in the universe but like the old Mon Calamari proverb goes, “it’s a trap!”
The OGC-1 has been assigned transport of a dangerous and sexy criminal.
Jay takes drastic measures when a manly man makes him insecure about his manhood.
The OGC-1 makes a “scientific” exploration of a planet that may be the biggest lady in the universe.
Hamilton breaks a space rule by adopting a pet while Jay deals with his airlock addiction.
Jay gets recruited to join a secret society of galactic bonesmen, Hamilton is not invited.
The saga continues as Jay heads to a spring break planet full of roofied drinks, carnivorous plant based harlots and sexy new friends.
Jay returns to the GBM-1 to rectify space douchiness in the explosive conclusion to the galactic boner saga.

Season 2 - Deep Space 69
Jay and Hamilton's efforts to pick up a busty fashion model are thwarted by a spurned wormhole attendant.
Jay's sexy transgression on the sacred realm has unintended battle-to-the-death type consequences.
If you wondered what happened to Jay after he turned into a dog in episode 8 then wonder no more. In search of a cure Jay and Hamilton visit a savage planet and get marooned with the natives.
In the epic conclusion to the Siren's adventure Jay and Hamilton go to Vega 5 to get their ship back from Zobert the Space Douche.
Jay and Hamilton get locked out of the ship.
Jay rekindles an old flame who helps him escape from an STD riddled galactic lady gangster.
While accepting a challenge from the most interesting space captain in the the galaxy Jay is confronted with the only only girl he's ever loved.
In part 2 of “Astro Past Blast”, teenage Jay and Hamilton take a detour from their rescue mission to help a Kingdom plagued by Dragon problems.
The heartbreaking, face punching, blob humping finale to the Astro Past Blast trilogy.

Season 3 - Deep Space 69
Jay bumps into an old flame who strikes back with a vengeance.
Uncharted space is awesome until your spacelink connectivity goes limp. See if Jay can overcome space madness!
Jay must race a transport ship rival to win the mission to transport a group of sexy "Milkshake Girls".
Jay and Hamilton find the unexpected when they visit Spacebook Headquarters.
Jay is invited onto "The Marty Pulsar Show" to find out if he is the father of a baby girl.
Jay and Hamilton land on a planet that may or may not be the Garden of Eden.
The OGC-1 attempts to dock on ship with a difficult lady captain.

Season 4 - Deep Space 69
A routine transport puts the crew in the crossfire of various heroes making their claim on destiny.
Hamilton is invited to a science station for breeding, but Jay has breeding ideas of his own.
The crew accepts a dangerous mission to depose a disgusting and dangerous despot.
Jay and Hamilton agree to be the subjects of a docu-reality show that brings to the surface deep rifts in their friendship.
The crew gets trapped in a sentient spacial anomaly that forces them to complete a cosmically sexy mission.
A mysterious spaceship gives Jay and Hamilton each a chance to change their tragic pasts.
Hamilton is confronted with a lost battalion of Koala soldiers, while Jay goes on a magical vision quest guided by a wise sperm.
The crew attempts to have a relaxing vacation on a luxurious cruise vessel, but the forces of destiny have other plans.