Creepy Canada

Creepy Canada is a Canadian television series that aired on OLN. It focused on paranormal activities around Canada. The show first premiered on October 23, 2002 and began its third season on May 5, 2006. With the third season the show's scope was expanded to include paranormal activity reported in the United States. It was originally hosted by Terry Boyle, and was later hosted by Brian O'Dea, who was also the producer of the show. Creepy Canada's last episode aired on July 28, 2006; the show has stopped producing new episodes.

Genre: Documentary,




Type: tv

Season: 3

Episode: N/A

Duration: 60 minutes


Rating: 10

Season 1 - Creepy Canada

Season 2 - Creepy Canada

Season 3 - Creepy Canada
Hugh Keefer, the black sheep of the respected Keefer engineering dynasty was a hard drinking, high stakes gambler who counted Jesse James and the Black Donnelly's as gaming partners. His former home has been an insane asylum, a hospital and a geriatric facility but each incarnation has left something ghostly behind. Spirits of mental patients, soldiers and Hugh Keefer himself have frightened many visitors. Creepy Canada takes a team of paranormal investigators into the darkest corners of this haunted mansion.