
Committed is a Canadian animated television series that aired on CTV, beginning in 2001. It is currently airing on YTV. It was based on an American comic strip of the same name by Michael Fry, better known for Over the Hedge. All 13 episodes of the show can be seen viewed on Amazon Instant Video.

Genre: Animation,



Country: Canada, United States of America,

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 30 minutes

Release: 2001-03-10

Rating: 10

Season 1 - Committed
When the babysitter quits, working parents Liz and Joe Larsen have to scramble to find childcare for their two-year-old potty training Nicholas.
When Tracy decides she needs a bra, Liz is forced to face the reality that her little girl is becoming a pre-woman.
Liz comes home from work to find the house a mess and her family oblivious.
Joie de Tot, Nicholas' daycare center, has just installed a web cam so the parents can watch their kids during the day.
Liz faces a performance review at work, while trying to keep track of three sick kids and a husband facing a writing deadline.
Having scheduled a romantic date night, Liz ends up reassessing the state of her marriage while waiting for Joe to watch the last two minutes of a championship basketball game.
After ten-year-old Tracy gets a part in an experimental school play, Joe and Liz disagree about how to best encourage her new-found interest in acting.
The new next-door neighbors ask the Larsens to dog-sit in their all-new, cutting edge computer controlled home.
On a field trip, an eight-year-old Zelda's bus has a minor accident.
Liz discovers that Zelda's Girl Tracker cookie drive is not only controlled by the mob, but that the cookies are made by her company.
Liz questions her attractiveness when Joe is picked to judge "The Miss Downloadable" beauty contest.
After a career day at school, Zelda and Tracy discover that going to college costs money.
Liz suggests to a bored Zelda that she throw herself into hobby.