
Clue is an American five-part mystery television miniseries based on the Parker Brothers board game of the same name, which aired on The Hub from November 14, 2011 to November 17, 2011. The series features a youthful, ensemble cast working together, uncovering clues to unravel a mystery. The series was created by Raven Metzner and stars Sterling Beaumon as Seamus, Sarah Desjardins as Whitney, Kendall Amyre Ferguson as Agnes, Ana Golja as Liz, Stephan James as Dmitri, and Zach Mills as Lucas.

Genre: Mystery, Kids,


Creator: M. Raven Metzner,


Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 23 minutes

Release: 2011-11-14

Rating: 5.3

Season 1 - Clue
Six teenagers piece together clues after witnessing a probable murder at a charity event.
The young detectives dig deeper into the case of the missing Mr. Nobody.
The young detectives try to solve a puzzle left behind by a scientist.
The young detectives search a boarding school for a suspect and find traces of a secret society.
The young detectives uncover their true adversaries and greater secrets are revealed.