
Cliffhangers is an American drama series that debuted on February 27, 1979 on NBC. Each hour-long episode was divided into three 20-minute segments : Stop Susan Williams, The Secret Empire, and The Curse of Dracula. To add to the "in-progress" feeling of the proceedings, all three series were started with different chapter numbers (although this was the first broadcast for all of them): "Stop Susan Williams" began at Chapter II, "The Secret Empire" started with Chapter III, and "The Curse of Dracula" with Chapter VI.

Genre: Drama,


Creator: Kenneth Johnson,


Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: N/A

Duration: 60 minutes

Release: 1979-02-27

Rating: 5

Season 1 - Cliffhangers
Stop Susan Williams: The Silent Enemy The Secret Empire: Plunge Into Mystery The Curse of Dracula: Lifeblood
Stop Susan Williams: Jungle Death Trap The Secret Empire: Prisoner of the Empire The Curse of Dracula: Blood Stream
 Stop Susan Williams: Thundering Doom The Secret Empire: The Mind Twisters The Curse of Dracula: Demons of the Dark
Stop Susan Williams: Deadly Descent The Secret Empire: Seeds of Revolt The Curse of Dracula: Depository of Death
 Stop Susan Williams: Watery Grave The Secret Empire: Attack of the Phantom Riders The Curse of Dracula: Sepulchre of the Undead
 Stop Susan Williams: Cauldron of Fire The Secret Empire: Sizzling Threat The Curse of Dracula: Threshold of Eternity
 Stop Susan Williams: River of Blood The Secret Empire: Mandibles of Death The Curse of Dracula: Where Angels Fear to Tread
 Stop Susan Williams: Wheels of Destruction The Secret Empire: The Last Gasp The Curse of Dracula: Sealed in Blood
 Stop Susan Williams: Terror from the Sky The Secret Empire: Return to Chimera The Curse of Dracula: Thirst for Death
 Stop Susan Williams: The Villain Revealed The Secret Empire: Powerhouse The Curse of Dracula: Pleas of the Damned
 Stop Susan Williams: Crypt of Disaster The Secret Empire: Partisans Unchained
The Secret Empire: Escape to the Stars