Big Cat Diary

Big Cat Diary, also known as Big Cat Week or Big Cat Live, is a long-running nature documentary series on BBC television which follows the lives of African big cats in Kenya's Maasai Mara. The first series, broadcast on BBC One in 1996, was developed and jointly produced by Keith Scholey, who would go on to become Head of the BBC's Natural History Unit. Eight further series have followed, most recently Big Cat Live, a live broadcast from the Mara in 2008. The original presenters, Jonathan Scott and Simon King, were joined by Saba Douglas-Hamilton from 2002 onwards. Kate Silverton and Jackson Looseyia were added to the presenting team for Big Cat Live.

Genre: Documentary, Drama,



Country: United States of America, United Kingdom,

Type: tv

Season: 5

Episode: N/A

Duration: 25 minutes


Rating: 9

Season 1 - Big Cat Diary

Season 2 - Big Cat Diary

Season 3 - Big Cat Diary

Season 4 - Big Cat Diary
Saba is on the trail of Bella the leopard, a star from the last three series. Bella has just got rid of her overgrown son Chui and is now being courted by all the male leopards in the area. For single mums Tamu the lion and Honey the cheetah, life is a constant battle. Honey has to make some life-threatening decisions, while Tamu the lioness has to protect her family.
Honey the cheetah mum now has only three cubs, what has happened to the fourth? Bella the leopard is in heat and attracting all the male leopards in the area. Tamu the lone lioness is struggling against incredible odds to keep her family alive.
Tamu searches for her cubs. Bella is hungry and keen to hunt, but there are other cats in the area who want a slice of the action. As the Wildebeest migration arrives in Honey's home range the arrival of so much prey brings in other predators that Honey and her cubs could do without.
Tamu the single lioness mum is still searching for her missing cubs. Bella the leopard is back to her elusive ways. Honey, the cheetah mum gives her three male cubs some lessons in how to be a successful cheetah.
Tamu the lioness has once again lost one of her cubs. Bella the leopard is still trying to hunt, but must beware of other predators around her. Honey the cheetah mum and her cubs are confronted by lions.

Season 5 - Big Cat Diary