The first season of Bad Movie Beatdown begins with the infamous Eddie Murphy flop "Pluto Nash". As he reviews the movie, Film Brain soon discovers that big names and special effects can't fix poor plotting and jokes, soon growing infuriated by the ludicrious plot twists.
Bad Movie Beatdown gets a turbo-charged upgrade, as Film Brain rams and shunts the surprisingly dull "The Fast and the Furious", in 'anticipation' of the fourth movie in the franchise.
The long-awaited review of Equilibrium as Film Brain shows no mercy in this fully-loaded, guns-blazing and controversial assault on the action fest
With a new intro, get ready to run with Film Brain as he takes on pretentious mumblefest western Seraphim Falls. The chase is on!
The PG-13 horror movie is targeted this time around as Film Brain pulls ITS teeth out!
Terminator Meets Transformers. Film Brain transforms and rolls out to terminate this Asylum made ripoff.
Another bad Eddie Murphy movie gets what's coming to it!
Steven Seagal in a bad action movie with an environmental message!
Harrison Ford in a movie where there's no homicide. Just him eating donuts during sex. Oh and real estate. Yeah...
"Whoever wins, we lose!" An honest tagline for once!
With the Final Destination on the horizon, Buck takes on the third in the series. Will he tempt fate?
Brandon Fraser and Whoopi Goldberg can't save this opus about a man and his crazy cartoon character!
Sean Connery in a bad disaster movie. At least it isn't Zardoz, right? RIGHT?!
Film Brain takes a trip back to the dark days of 2002 to review the abysmal remake/adaptation of H.G. Wells' masterpiece!
Film Brain takes on an Uwe Boll movie. Will he ever be the same after it?
Film Brain Vs a remake of a 1920s movie with Neil Diamond and Laurence Olivier. Plus some cameos.
Film Brain returns for a holiday special, to battle Christmas With the Kranks, a strangely contradictory movie in which the spirit of Christmas is based entirely in crass commercialism.